[Webinar] Explore Marlinks Dashboard Insights and Features

The Marlinks dashboard is where all cable health monitoring comes together. Marlinks offers various services based on continuous measurements along subsea cables with DTS, DAS, or FBG devices and provides a dashboard integrating essential modules tailored to each client’s needs. Thanks to its modular design, the dashboard can easily be extended with data from additional monitoring devices and modules for more insights. Join us for a live demo of the Marlinks application to explore its capabilities.


  1. Introduction to Marlinks
  2. Dashboard Deep Dive
  3. Exploring Key Modules (Depth of Burial, RTTR, etc.)
  4. Alerting in Action
  5. Q&A
Registrations via this link.


Ruth Vandeputte – Marlinks
Project and IT Engineer

With a background in engineering and IT, Ruth is excited to bring her skills together in her role at Marlinks. She collaborates closely with clients on various projects, focusing on both the technical aspects of Marlinks’ models and the IT setup of their applications. Ruth enjoys helping client teams get started with the different features of Marlinks’ application.


Please contact sales@marlinks.com and we will be happy to assist you. 

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