Why a customized Cable Monitoring approach brings you the best results.

Customized hardware systems.
At Marlinks we believe designing a cable condition monitoring systems for the offshore wind industry always needs to be tailored to the specifics of a client and to the needs of the offshore project. Kicking off a project starts with identifying the specific monitoring requirements and expectations. These needs come in many different formats and dimensions: type of cables or cable accessories to monitor, number of cables/strings to monitor, length of the power cables, alert setup, customer-specific cable insights …. A thorough and direct interaction with a customer and a detailed analysis of these needs determine the specifications of the hardware selection, hardware setup, output generated and end result of the monitoring system. Marlinks compares, selects and assembles the appropriate hardware components to meet the targeted condition monitoring design.
Hardware agnostic.
Having the freedom of choice in selecting and combining the best suitable hardware devices for a project is highly valued by our customers, as this allows for a cost effective and beneficial solution for every project. Working hardware agnostic allows Marlinks to select the right tool for the right job: why using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut, if you can have a nutcracker? An additional value to working hardware agnostic, is that Marlinks can freely choose between the different technologies available and that it has built strong relationship with the different hardware manufacturers allowing to always be on top of the latest developments in the field When it comes to power cable monitoring, Marlinks always starts by selecting the best technology to serve the monitoring needs, the most common technologies in the industry being Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). Depending on the assets that require monitoring, a more specific selection is made among the different sensing techniques, such as Raman or Brillouin (or a combination of the two), the total range, spatial resolution, to name a few.
From hardware design to providing actionable insights
At the initial stage of a project, Marlinks identifies in close collaboration with the customer what the monitoring system will look like and how it will be used, prior to selecting the appropriate measurement equipment. Furthermore, we ensure the necessary computing power and memory by designing and configurating the appropriate servers. Another important aspect that is being covered is the network and communication; by having the required in-house knowledge to configure, in a secured way, the communications for alerting, data exchange and remote access, we guarantee a smooth integration. We also install and configure the equipment on site, onshore or offshore by our GWO trained personnel. In short, Marlinks is a one-stop shopfor your complete cable integrity monitoring solution, from hardware selection, setup, perfect calibration and commissioning to getting the most valuable insights out of the data allowing for a focused and well informed predictive maintenance strategy.
A monitoring system integrated on your site, retrofit or new design.
Marlinks serves both operational wind farms and projects in development. By closely working with the development and/or O&M team the Marlinks helps to define all the necessary equipment to interface with the existing or new infrastructure and guide the customer to ensure a smooth integration by covering all necessary interfaces: power supply, networking and fiber optics. And, most importantly, ensuring the quality by a continuously improving procedures with multiple and ongoing checks from start to finish.
A worry-free cable system with continuous services.
Setting-up a monitoring system is one aspect, keeping it alive and using it to its full potential is another. At Marlinks we offer different services once your monitoring devices are installed: from maintaining your hardware to providing actionable insights based upon the data output of your DTS/DAS device, to even integrating all your different assets and monitoring devices into one cable maintenance platform. The perfect way for a centralized view on your assets in a consistent way. Marlinks aim is tocontinuously monitor the proper functioning of the hardware in the field to ensure a customer’s system remains online and performs as it should. In case of failure, we will be the first to notice and take action.
Learn more about Marlinks.
Are you an insurer or are you responsible for the health of submarine cables? Let’s have a chat at sales@marlinks.com and we will be happy to help you.